All the stuff that makes life worthwhile

Monday morning, heading to the proton center, I was taken aback by the Monday morning work-rush crowd and how unpleasant everyone seemed to be. It really made me question the overall value of life when we are always wrapped up in our own worlds, not being particularly beneficial to strangers. Do our individual relationships with friends and families make up for a weak society?

Later, I had my blood work done to verify that I was ready for my five-day inpatient chemo (a full-strength Etoposide and Iphosphamide combo concurrent with radiation). In the waiting room, I must have looked like a sad sack. I was stretching out my neck and massaging the back of my scalp. A gentleman came over to me, a large tumor over his throat, and wrote down the concern, “Are you okay, man?” We had a brief exchange and plenty of smiles. In that moment, it validated that not all of society is lost in their own worlds.

After being admitted to Lunder 9, a nurse who knew I had a standing order to share with any young patient where they can find me, came to say that there was a 21-year-old college senior on the floor who was also excited to meet a younger person. It was the last night of his first cycle and we did countless laps around the floor to get exercise. He was very outgoing and friendly and it was a nice change of pace.

Towards the end of our exercise, an older gentleman (also on his first cycle) stopped us to ask questions about how to make the best of the experience. Talking to these two, just starting their journeys, gave me a funny revelation–I’ve become a veteran of the floor. Not sure if that’s a good thing, but it is the case.

Tonight, doing my laps solo now that my new walking buddy has gone home, I passed by a patient on a stroll heading the opposite direction and I wished her a good evening. She smiled and wished me the same and for a brief moment it felt like a small town walk at dusk and saying “good evening” to a neighbor.

I’m really finding cancer patients to be about the nicest people on the planet. I’m sure that’s not actually true, but it’s nice to at least think it might be.

Socks the Sock Monkey enjoying a refreshing carton of milk:


4 thoughts on “All the stuff that makes life worthwhile

  1. It’s too bad it takes something catastrophic in people’s lives to makethem see beyond themselves, but that seems to often be the case. I’m sure your smile brightens many lives!

  2. Your attitude continues to amaze me. What an inspiration you must be to the “newbies”! I will try to remember to smile more at people I don’t know. You never know what difference it might make to someone!😃

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